Hello everyone! Yes I realize, you've been dying waiting for my next blog insertion. Well the waiting is OVAAAA. I'm standing in my kitchen right now (the internet signal is much better). The background noise is some random music our friend just loves to introduce us to, and a dripping noise. Ohhh...the dripping. Apparently the flat one floor up from us has a washing machine problem. I called the landlord Jan (Yan) and he rushed right over. It was quite funny to hear him swear. He's a very reserved Czech gentleman. He speaks perfect English as he left Prague in 1968 to escape communism. "Shiiiiiit", he said. "Okay, okay...I'll be back shortly, who are you?", to Josh. He cracks me up. Hopefully he'll be back soon with a new ceiling. :)
Now...Michael Buble in the background. For those of you not in the know, I have gotten a job!! Yesssss Sirs! I start on the 8th at Babbles Preschool. When I went originally and had the demo lesson, I absolutely loved it, and didn't even apply for anything else, because I loved it so much. Some people might say I have to much faith in the unknown. I just KNEW...
I was originally supposed to begin tomorrow, but for some reason they put it off for one more week. I already have the work contract so no worries! :)
On another note...EVERYONE IS LEAVING !!! Well not everyone, but all of the friends from the US that we've made here, are leaving. It's sad, but I have no doubt that I'll be able to make just as many Czech friends, and plenty from other countries as well. Prague is quite the melting pot. I think we've met people from almost every European country, North America, Asia, Africa even. Loooooord knows a few of them have to like me enough to hang out with me.
Let's see, can't think of too much else, yes it was short. But at times I feel guilty for not posting blogs. For myself though, not all of you. Heeeehehehe. Okay...I'm going now. GOOODBYE!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
I don't have much to say today, so I thought I'd share pictures instead (for you Shawn!). They are as follows: random pictures of Prague, the church in Old Town Square, views from the Charles Bridge at sunset, stuff at and around Prague Castle, and a few pictures from the beer garden. Miss everyone so much! Love, M

Sunday, May 17, 2009
What the eff?
It's 2 a.m. and I am still awake. I don't understand...why, why, why? I'm so tired of only 4 hours of sleep a night. Actually, I'm just plain tired.
I'm looking out the window across the courtyard to the other apartments. For once it's completely dark, save one window lit by a lone candle. It's amazingly pretty; the orange glow of candlelight illuminating a completley dark courtyard. I'm listening to my favourite band, Stumble Yonder, and missing home so very much that my heart aches. I got to talk to my mom today; she's so amazing. I miss my family. Talking to her made me realize how very much I miss everything I left behind. I'm glad I came here; it's what I always wanted. I just miss everyone so much.
Today, my friend Josh and I went to Prague Castle. We had a "tourist" day.
We walked for hours around the extensive grounds. I had no idea it was so beautiful. I've been there twice: once to see President Obama speak, and the other wandering with friends. I've never explored the complex in depth until today. It was a gorgeous day out, and I got sunburned (boohoo). We walked for hours and finally decided we deserved a beer or two. We went to my favourite Irish pub (J.J. Murphy's) and had a few beers and dinner. Then we decided that since we didn't know where the Metro station was, we would wander over Charles Bridge and into Old Town Square (which was quite a walk) and keep going until we found one. It took a quite a while. Needless to say, I should be completely exhausted (which I am); I'm just not sleepy. Yuck! Instead, I'm sitting here, writing a poor excuse of a blog.
Anyway, I have more to write about, but me thinks perhaps I should lay down for a bit. Maybe tonight I'll be wisked away to a magical land, where everyone sleeps for eight hours and wakes up refreshed and ready to go. Oh boy...I'm ready!
I miss you all so very much! Write more soon.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Who knew?
I'm sitting in my favourite coffee shop right now, wondering if I'm ever going to get a job. I really hate job hunting. It's been kind of hard not being employed. I'm so used to working two jobs; not having even one is ridiculous. Ah well...I'll keep pounding the pavement, and I'll definitely keep my chin up. I'm extraordinarily happy for Coco; she has a really promising prospect. I think she'll have a job by tomorrow. She had the interview and she offered to teach a demo lesson which they accepted. She's nervous of course, but I know she'll do fantastically well. It's at a preschool, and she'll be working with young kids which is what she wanted most of all. Yay for Coco!
I'm not sure what's going to happen if I can't find
a job soon. My 90 days without a visa are up at the end of June. Who knows, but that I'll have to come home for a while. I would love to come home and work for a while (and of course see everyone I love), but I don't want to feel like I failed at something I've wanted for so long. I really want to live in Europe. I love it over here, even if Prague isn't the most comfortable place for me. I love the culture, the food, the lifestyle, the fact that I have to walk everywhere. I even love the stairs, which still kick my ass every time. I have a good prospect in sight for a full-time teaching position. It doesn't start until September, though, so I'll have to find some private tutoring to do until then (provided I get the job of course). Keep your fingers crossed for me!
This is an awfully short post, but I seem to have a bit of writer's block. I took me an hour to write one postcard; I'm not sure why I decided to give blogging a try. I'll write more soon, as I have a ton of stuff to talk about, but not the energy to write it all today. Love you!
PS. The pictures are as follows: The garden at Petrin, a view of Prague from Petrin (and yes, it was one hell of a climb), me, and the Petrin "Eiffel Tower"
Monday, May 11, 2009
I woke up early this morning...6:30! I haven't been awake this early in a few weeks at least. It feels great. It's quiet outside, and all I can hear are the last few raindrops hitting my window sill and the birds chirping. Oh wait...there goes a siren. But you get the idea. Today is 'the big day'. I have my meeting with the director of Babbles Preschool at 7pm tonight. I've got a few things to do...1. Find a Copy General store to print off my CV. 2. Find the restaurant where we're meeting. And 3. Chant.
I'm really hoping I get offered this position. It is exactly what I want, to teach little kids! I have been doing some research on lesson plans and structures for preschool classes, and it's really not as easy as some might think. These children have no idea how to speak English, let alone to read and write it. The lesson plans are very detailed and you have to keep them moving and paying attention at all times (for 3-5 year olds this can be tricky). They want bright colors, pictures and games. They don't like competition, and they LOVE attention. No reading or writing skills can be introduced this early, so it's all about listening and speaking. But no matter how difficult it might be, I can only imagine how wonderful the benefits must be. Their lovely little faces, looking at YOU their teacher expectantly to show them something amazing, something they don't know, and will love you for teaching them after you've finished. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me get this job.
Both Morgen and I have also received word from the Caledonian school here in Prague that they'd like us to fill out application forms. The classes for that school don't begin until September. From their website the job and benefits sound amazing. A monday through friday workweek, health benefits, also FREE intensive Czech lessons for all of their teachers. If we wanted to learn French or Spanish, they also give those courses at a discounted price. So we've got that to hope for as well.
Other than the job search, things are going well. I can only speak for myself on this part though; no job and no money = homesickness/depression. I knew it would be coming, I knew I'd miss everyone terribly. It comes and goes. As soon as I have a job and feel useful again, I'm sure it will subside.
But of course, we've been having tons of fun! On saturday a few of us took a picnic to Vysehrad park (basically a huge castlegrounds). Morgen, myself, Ashleigh from class, her boyfriend Jiri, Logan (one of our teachers roomies who's is leaving back to Utah on the 21st) and one of the new classmates Josh all sat on a blanket, watched people playing frisbee, football (soccer) and just had a great day. We ran into our teacher from class Mila who was meeting his football team to practice, and ended up having a few more people join our picnic. Peter from Rochester (who I'm convinced played Problem Child), Andy and Tom from Ireland, and Morgen's former student Josef. After the picnic we all headed to a restaurace in Old Town Square to try a Czech dish that Jiri had been raving about. It's called svickova na smetane. Basically beef meat with gravy, topped with cream, a slice of lemon and cranberry. YUMMMM!!!! So delicious. I was so full of snacks from our picnic that I didn't eat a lot, but what I did have was so so good! After that some headed home, and some decided to go to a pub and hang out for a while. The 'some' were myself, Morgen, Josh, Mila and all of his football buddies. It's called Acropolis. I couldn't say it for the life of me, I kept thinking "apocolypse"...grrr. Ha. Anyway we had ANOTHER great time there. Danced to techno music, drank pivo and went home to bed.
I guess this blog doesn't really have a point. I just thought I'd fill you all in on what's been going on here the last week or so. It's great! I love it. But I miss home dearly. I need a JOB! :)
Guess that's all for now. Maybe I'll try to sleep a little more. Maybe not...
I woke up early this morning...6:30! I haven't been awake this early in a few weeks at least. It feels great. It's quiet outside, and all I can hear are the last few raindrops hitting my window sill and the birds chirping. Oh wait...there goes a siren. But you get the idea. Today is 'the big day'. I have my meeting with the director of Babbles Preschool at 7pm tonight. I've got a few things to do...1. Find a Copy General store to print off my CV. 2. Find the restaurant where we're meeting. And 3. Chant.
I'm really hoping I get offered this position. It is exactly what I want, to teach little kids! I have been doing some research on lesson plans and structures for preschool classes, and it's really not as easy as some might think. These children have no idea how to speak English, let alone to read and write it. The lesson plans are very detailed and you have to keep them moving and paying attention at all times (for 3-5 year olds this can be tricky). They want bright colors, pictures and games. They don't like competition, and they LOVE attention. No reading or writing skills can be introduced this early, so it's all about listening and speaking. But no matter how difficult it might be, I can only imagine how wonderful the benefits must be. Their lovely little faces, looking at YOU their teacher expectantly to show them something amazing, something they don't know, and will love you for teaching them after you've finished. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me get this job.
Both Morgen and I have also received word from the Caledonian school here in Prague that they'd like us to fill out application forms. The classes for that school don't begin until September. From their website the job and benefits sound amazing. A monday through friday workweek, health benefits, also FREE intensive Czech lessons for all of their teachers. If we wanted to learn French or Spanish, they also give those courses at a discounted price. So we've got that to hope for as well.
Other than the job search, things are going well. I can only speak for myself on this part though; no job and no money = homesickness/depression. I knew it would be coming, I knew I'd miss everyone terribly. It comes and goes. As soon as I have a job and feel useful again, I'm sure it will subside.
But of course, we've been having tons of fun! On saturday a few of us took a picnic to Vysehrad park (basically a huge castlegrounds). Morgen, myself, Ashleigh from class, her boyfriend Jiri, Logan (one of our teachers roomies who's is leaving back to Utah on the 21st) and one of the new classmates Josh all sat on a blanket, watched people playing frisbee, football (soccer) and just had a great day. We ran into our teacher from class Mila who was meeting his football team to practice, and ended up having a few more people join our picnic. Peter from Rochester (who I'm convinced played Problem Child), Andy and Tom from Ireland, and Morgen's former student Josef. After the picnic we all headed to a restaurace in Old Town Square to try a Czech dish that Jiri had been raving about. It's called svickova na smetane. Basically beef meat with gravy, topped with cream, a slice of lemon and cranberry. YUMMMM!!!! So delicious. I was so full of snacks from our picnic that I didn't eat a lot, but what I did have was so so good! After that some headed home, and some decided to go to a pub and hang out for a while. The 'some' were myself, Morgen, Josh, Mila and all of his football buddies. It's called Acropolis. I couldn't say it for the life of me, I kept thinking "apocolypse"...grrr. Ha. Anyway we had ANOTHER great time there. Danced to techno music, drank pivo and went home to bed.
I guess this blog doesn't really have a point. I just thought I'd fill you all in on what's been going on here the last week or so. It's great! I love it. But I miss home dearly. I need a JOB! :)
Guess that's all for now. Maybe I'll try to sleep a little more. Maybe not...
Monday, May 4, 2009
It's raining...but it's not pouring.
Yes, that is meant to be a metaphor. But it is also literally raining (not pouring). I woke up this morning to a thumping noise, a loud...annoying...thump thump, thumpadeee thump thump. Oh...it's the rain. Normally I wouldn't mind, but it woke me up, and who dares wake me up is in for a bad day. Too bad I can't hurt the rain. Oh well.
Metaphorically speaking, I was woken up by a thump thump in my head, a thump like the stress kind. "Thump...wake up...thump...time to get a job...THUMP!!!!".
Yes my friends, it is that time. No more school, no more 'practice teaching'. Now it is the real thing. I have my CV ready to send out (to quite a few different language schools), with a bright smiley picture attached. Then after I accomplish that feat, I perform the follow up. I will go to the language schools, announce myself, and bravely ask for an interview on the spot. Something I am definitely not used to. I'm used to the 'turn in the resume, wait for a call, two weeks later get called, maybe have an interview' shuffle. This time, it's all up to me.
I am still in love with this city. I did after all just sign a one year lease for this apartment! Yes..the apartment. It's great. Two bedrooms, a washing machine that WASHES clothes, a microwave oven! Yes I still love Prague, though I am becoming quite homesick. My fundamental darkness is coming in to play. A person's mind can play dirty tricks sometimes. I find myself thinking I might not make it, I might have to go back with my tail between my legs and tell everyone I failed. I failed...I failed...I failed...I keep hearing it. I have been chanting much more, and feel my life condition becoming higher, but that negativity is still there, it's still trying to get me down.
Yada yada, this is not meant to put a damper on anyone's rose colored thoughts of our time here, it's still wonderful. It's still the best thing I've ever made up my mind to do, and I have no regrets.
We did meet the new class of TEFL students (minus one) on Saturday night. There are four of them. Andrew from Scotland who lost his long time real estate career in the recession, Josh from Cleveland, Ohio, a medical science major who got tired of his job, and then there's Graham. Oh Graham...an older 'gentleman' from England, and he has been drunk since he arrived in Prague. There is one more who hadn't arrived at that point, not sure of his name. Meeting them I have to say, made me realize AGAIN how lucky Morgen and I are to have met such amazing people in our class. The dynamic seven, awesome, wonderful, beautiful people. Definitely people who I hope to keep in contact with for a long, long time. We're having the remaining four over for dinner tonight for a kind of housewarming, along with the new kid Josh, who "should've been in our class", Mo and I decided.
Oh yes, I haven't written about London yet, I think Mo did? Either way, it was a blast! We always meet the most interesting (and hot) people. That's it, just a blast. I'd love to go back again, and not just there...everywhere. Did you know that in most countries in Europe you are mandated to take 20 days of vacation or holiday as they call it, a year! For instance EVERYONE had Friday off, for no reason really, just...had it off.
I'm kind of going off here, but that's just me I guess. I'm sure you don't mind. As this is the only way I communicate with some of you. :*(
But really folks...it's time to get a job. I miss you all and hope to talk soon. You're all in my thoughts. LOVE YOU!
Metaphorically speaking, I was woken up by a thump thump in my head, a thump like the stress kind. "Thump...wake up...thump...time to get a job...THUMP!!!!".
Yes my friends, it is that time. No more school, no more 'practice teaching'. Now it is the real thing. I have my CV ready to send out (to quite a few different language schools), with a bright smiley picture attached. Then after I accomplish that feat, I perform the follow up. I will go to the language schools, announce myself, and bravely ask for an interview on the spot. Something I am definitely not used to. I'm used to the 'turn in the resume, wait for a call, two weeks later get called, maybe have an interview' shuffle. This time, it's all up to me.
I am still in love with this city. I did after all just sign a one year lease for this apartment! Yes..the apartment. It's great. Two bedrooms, a washing machine that WASHES clothes, a microwave oven! Yes I still love Prague, though I am becoming quite homesick. My fundamental darkness is coming in to play. A person's mind can play dirty tricks sometimes. I find myself thinking I might not make it, I might have to go back with my tail between my legs and tell everyone I failed. I failed...I failed...I failed...I keep hearing it. I have been chanting much more, and feel my life condition becoming higher, but that negativity is still there, it's still trying to get me down.
Yada yada, this is not meant to put a damper on anyone's rose colored thoughts of our time here, it's still wonderful. It's still the best thing I've ever made up my mind to do, and I have no regrets.
We did meet the new class of TEFL students (minus one) on Saturday night. There are four of them. Andrew from Scotland who lost his long time real estate career in the recession, Josh from Cleveland, Ohio, a medical science major who got tired of his job, and then there's Graham. Oh Graham...an older 'gentleman' from England, and he has been drunk since he arrived in Prague. There is one more who hadn't arrived at that point, not sure of his name. Meeting them I have to say, made me realize AGAIN how lucky Morgen and I are to have met such amazing people in our class. The dynamic seven, awesome, wonderful, beautiful people. Definitely people who I hope to keep in contact with for a long, long time. We're having the remaining four over for dinner tonight for a kind of housewarming, along with the new kid Josh, who "should've been in our class", Mo and I decided.
Oh yes, I haven't written about London yet, I think Mo did? Either way, it was a blast! We always meet the most interesting (and hot) people. That's it, just a blast. I'd love to go back again, and not just there...everywhere. Did you know that in most countries in Europe you are mandated to take 20 days of vacation or holiday as they call it, a year! For instance EVERYONE had Friday off, for no reason really, just...had it off.
I'm kind of going off here, but that's just me I guess. I'm sure you don't mind. As this is the only way I communicate with some of you. :*(
But really folks...it's time to get a job. I miss you all and hope to talk soon. You're all in my thoughts. LOVE YOU!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
It's official...I finally have my own bed!!!! It's even in a room with a door that closes and locks! It's a miracle! I even have an armoire, so I don't have to have to live out of my suitcases anymore. Can life get any better?
My newest and most noble quest has begun. I'm in search of that most illustrious, elusive creature...employment. I've written my CV (aka resume), and starting Monday will be sending it off to tempt employers. I hope it works. I have a lot to offer, right? I think so, but we'll see. I'm pretty nervous though. Teaching a language I can barely speak to people I don't understand is going to be a definite adventure. YAY FOR ADVENTURE! I feel like I need a shield and sword and some magical power and maybe a pet dragon that can fly (the really scary thing is, I really want a shield and sword and magical powers and a pet dragon).
Back to the blog...Coco and I just returned from a lovely jaunt in our new neighborhood. It is absolutely perfect outside. It's about 65 degrees, sunny, slight breeze, and the air smells like lilacs. We went looking for a grocery store, as we had absolutely no food in our apartment whatsoever. Luckily, we found Lidl (pronounced Leedel). It's a little market, and we were able to fill our reusable shopping bags (for you Terra!) with the essentials: pasta, pasta, pasta, lunch meat, bread, vegetables, yogurt, and for a special treat ice cream. I think we're set for a few days now.
Tonight, we get to meet the new TEFL students that start class on Monday. The new class consists of four guys (oh darn). Two are American, and two are British. It'll be fun to meet some new people that speak English.
Anyway, I'm off to fulfill my destiny as a...well, I'm not sure as what yet. But when I figure it out, I'll let you know. Kisses and cuddles to all, and to all a fantastic Saturday!
My newest and most noble quest has begun. I'm in search of that most illustrious, elusive creature...employment. I've written my CV (aka resume), and starting Monday will be sending it off to tempt employers. I hope it works. I have a lot to offer, right? I think so, but we'll see. I'm pretty nervous though. Teaching a language I can barely speak to people I don't understand is going to be a definite adventure. YAY FOR ADVENTURE! I feel like I need a shield and sword and some magical power and maybe a pet dragon that can fly (the really scary thing is, I really want a shield and sword and magical powers and a pet dragon).
Back to the blog...Coco and I just returned from a lovely jaunt in our new neighborhood. It is absolutely perfect outside. It's about 65 degrees, sunny, slight breeze, and the air smells like lilacs. We went looking for a grocery store, as we had absolutely no food in our apartment whatsoever. Luckily, we found Lidl (pronounced Leedel). It's a little market, and we were able to fill our reusable shopping bags (for you Terra!) with the essentials: pasta, pasta, pasta, lunch meat, bread, vegetables, yogurt, and for a special treat ice cream. I think we're set for a few days now.
Tonight, we get to meet the new TEFL students that start class on Monday. The new class consists of four guys (oh darn). Two are American, and two are British. It'll be fun to meet some new people that speak English.
Anyway, I'm off to fulfill my destiny as a...well, I'm not sure as what yet. But when I figure it out, I'll let you know. Kisses and cuddles to all, and to all a fantastic Saturday!
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