I was dead set against this thing they call the metro. I'd like to stay above ground puuhlease. None of this accidentally falling on the tracks, or feeling like moles nosing our way to the surface. No No, not for me. Well...this is hard for me to say, but; I was wrong. Morgen and I decided to brave the under world since everyone and their mother tells us that it's "the easiest thing in the world". So down we go to the 50 foot long escalator. Down below. A warning for anyone who is a. afraid of heights or b. get dizzy easily: DON'T DO IT. I'm not one to get a queasy stomach, or be afraid of heights really, but this was different. With the bright neon lights above, uber steep escalators, people running up behind you and others going the opposite direction, this is not even an escapade for the thrill seekers. Alas, we made it down safe and sound. I had to stop a moment and pick my stomach up from below my shoes...then we were off. A, B, or C? Red, Yellow, or Green? We had no idea. The only thing we knew is we were trying to get to school to see how long it would take us. We picked the right one! The yellow line was right, and we sped away to the stop at Narodni Trida. It only took us about ten minutes (which of course means I can sleep in!). We spent a couple of hours going back and forth to different places, and found that this whole 'subway' thing, really did have something to it. It was great...and now...I will never ride a tram again (like a trolley, but stinkier).
We met last night with all of our classmates minus one who was too tired from flying in, and another who won't arrive until tomorrow. So far we have myself, Morgen, Andrew from Ohio, Jana (pronounced Yenna) from Slovakia, Ashleigh from Brooklyn, accompanied by her awesome boyfriend Jiri (yuree). Morgen and I definitely hit it off with Ashleigh and Jiri, awesome awesome people. She's a photo retoucher and he a graphic artist. He has strong roots here in Prague and speaks a lot of Czech. I know we'll get along because one of the first things they asked was "When is Obama coming???". :)
They invited us out to hear a friend of his DJ'ing at a club called Lavka. This place was sensational. Four floors; all completely different. The floor we walked in was more of a lounge type, where dinner was served. Down one was the 'hip hop'? section. Take a couple steps down and you're underwater. Well not literally, but the walls are painted as ship boats, there are naked mermaids, and seashells everywhere. We decided to sit under the sea, where we could easily talk to each other, and easily see the different people coming and going. Actually, the word different is putting it lightly. There was a group of German male tourists, all wearing the same white shirt. Italian tourists, South Americans, Czech locals, and of course the go-go dancers. We had a blast, and died laughing when the Ghostbusters theme song came on, and every single person on the dance floor knew the words.
For anyone who comes to visit here, I strongly suggest a watch. Most clubs or bars here are open until around four in the morning. The first instance I asked for the time, I was horrified that it was already 3:30 am. Needless to say, we left. Made our way home and slept our tired and weary legs.
We have our first day of class tomorrow starting at noon thankfully. We're safely moved into our apartment (another blog in itself), went to the local Tesco and stocked up on the necessities (salt, sandwich meat, red bull), and now can relax for a moment. I hear a German soap opera and salami sandwich calling my name.
Miss you all, have a great day!